It is generally accepted and recognized that the United States is experiencing a rapid rise in rates of obesity in adolescents and adults alike, and a number of factors have been identified as possible causes. Many Americans are now overweight or obese as defined by medical terms, but the good news is that many Americans intend to lower their weight to a normal level. Some succeed, and the rest are encouraged to look into more effective weight loss strategies, especially with medical supervision to make sure that a weight loss program is both safe and effective. Medically supervised weight loss does not have to be a chore; in fact, if done right, medically supervised weight loss can be a fun, rewarding, and very healthy endeavor to undertake, and a person may augment this with medical procedures in a medical facility, such as at a medical weight loss center. Sometimes, a patient may be interested in getting stomach shots or injections to lose belly fat, and other non-invasive methods that do not require serious surgery to undertake. A person can also conduct an Internet search to find a weight loss center close to them, such as searching for “weight loss Florence SC” for residents of South Carolina, just to name one. How can medically supervised weight loss be done, and what are some general causes for these rats of obesity in the first place?
Why Are People Obese?
The need for medically supervised weight loss is coming from a few general trends: food intake and activity levels, both of which have become measurably less healthy since the 1970s. Americans often consume more calories than they need, and the sources of these calories are often fast food or highly processed foods founds in grocery stores, and it has been determined that from 1970 to 2008, caloric intake per day has risen by 600 for the average American, and this can quickly lead to obesity in the right circumstances. Fast foods and highly processed foods often have added sugars, fats, and oils to make them taste more appealing, and they often have a low price, making them very attractive at first, but the results quickly show themselves on a person’s waistline.
Another cause is lowering exertion levels. More time than ever is dedicated to using electronic screens, such as PCs, smart phones, and game consoles, and some kids or teenagers may spend over seven hours per day on these screens and not playing sports or performing cardio. This gives rise to a sedentary lifestyle that continues into adulthood, when a person is still using a lot of electronic screens and may work a 9-5 job that involves sitting down all day. When all this is combined with poor diets, it may be little wonder that two out of three American adults are overweight or obese today. However, many adults have recognized this trend and have resolved to take their health into their own hands. With a good weight loss program in place, any American can get the body and health that they want.
A Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program
One way to launch an effective weight loss program is simply adjusting the diet. Eliminating fast foods and highly processed foods is a simple and obvious first step, cutting off all of these fatty and sugary calories. Now, a person can replace those foods with organic and whole or natural foods. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, protein like chicken, fish, and beans, and dairy like cheese and milk will be central to a new diet, and these healthy calories will stop excessive fat and sugar intake and will also boost nutrition in general, and a person’s total caloric intake will be very close to natural, healthy levels. This may also open up chances for home cooking and experimenting with lots of new flavors ingredients, making this much more appealing.
Proper exercise, from cardio to sports to martial arts training, burns calories and develops muscles, further contributing to this lifestyle. When launching such a weight loss program, a person is advised to consult their doctor first and get some guidelines, especially if that person has health complications such as a heart condition or recent surgery.
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