Infertility is medically defined as failure to conceive after trying for one year to do so (regardless of the reason the desired results are not achieved). About 44% of infertile women seek whatever fertility treatments may be available to them. And of those, some 65% are able to give birth.
Roughly 10% of infertile couples are found to be affected by endometriosis. It’s a condition present to some degree in 16.5 million women in the United States. And tubal disease is a contributing factor with about 25% of infertile couples, taking various forms from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage.
Being infertile is not necessarily a permanent condition. The first step in dealing with the issue is to diagnose the cause. Then, the primary fertility treatments that are applied to resolve whatever problem may exist are drug therapy and surgery, which are successful in approximately 85 to 90% of situations in which a fertility evaluation has been performed.
Can tubal ligation be reversed? Yes, tubal ligation reversal is a viable option for those women who had the procedure earlier in life but now wish to try to become pregnant. It’s called tuboplasty and involves repairing one or both of the fallopian tubes. The success rate for this reversal surgery, in terms of subsequent pregnancy rate, is 75%.
So a woman investigating her choices for effective fertility treatments can do so knowing that the probability of finding one that works in her particular case is really quite high.
If you’re trying to conceive and have been unable to do so, consider the possibility that you may benefit from consultation with a knowledgeable and experienced OB/GYN who can diagnose the conditions described above. And if solving your problem is a simple matter of reversing a tubal ligation, rest assured that it’s a procedure that has a very high rate of success.
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