This week, USA Today ran a list of “sexiest swim-up bars in the Caribbean.” What’s better than relaxing in the warm waters of a pool or ocean as you sip a tropical margarita and lounge in your bathing suit?
This Caribbean paradise might be far away from us most of the time, but it’s possible to bring a taste of it home with swim spas — also known as hot tubs. How else can you sit back in warm water and enjoy yummy drinks with friends? The monthly upkeep on your hot tub, on the plus side, will be a lot less expensive than paying for a tropical island getaway. Here are a few questions people often have about swim spas, and what you should know.
1. Do Homeowners Need Planning Permission for a Hot Tub?
When you own a home, you typically need permission from the town for the installation of various large-scale projects, such as an inground pool or digging that could impact power lines. Swim spas, though, do not normally require additional permits. Similarly, covering hot tubs with wooden gazebos is unlikely to be anything you need permission for.
2. Are There Situations in Which You Shouldn’t Get in a Hot Tub?
Use good judgment. Getting in a hot tub is not recommended for people who use pacemakers or have heart trouble, and it is generally not recommended for pregnant individuals because it can cause body temperature to fluctuate, which can be unsafe for the fetus. If you have health problems, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor first.
3. Can You Get STDs or Diseases from a Hot Tub?
There are a lot of rumors floating around about hot tubs and this is a popular one. If you keep your hot tub properly sanitized, you will likely have little trouble and it will be as safe as any pool or bathtub. The trouble comes when people assume they can “see” if water looks right, when in actuality, proper and frequent testing of pH levels, alkalinity, and chlorine is necessary.
4. How Much are Swim Spas?
There is a wide range in price for swim spas — you can go from $2,000 low-end models to high-end models priced at $20,000. Although the terms are used interchangeably, “swim spa” often refers to pricier models that have room for swimming or multiple seating options or other upgrades. The number of jets can vary widely depending on model, and factors like depth, waterfalls, speakers for music, lighting, and more will be different for every swim spa. The best prices on hot tubs can often be found online. Careful, though — less quality materials will hold up poorly over time.
How much do swim spas cost in your area? Let us know in the comments. For more about this, go here.
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