We all know someone who direct sells makeup, micro-fiber cleaning towels, plastic storage containers, or purses. Because you’re friends, you feel obligated to go to their demo party and play corny games and then you feel guilttripped into spending too much on a product that you never wanted. That’s what we call the reality of being an adult.
While we all dash down the next aisle when we see that friend who throws obnoxious direct sales parties at the grocery store, if you want to have a girl’s night that will generate some real excitement, you need to throw a Botox party. Botox parties are a safe solution for women who are nervous about getting treatment alone at the doctors and want to enjoy each the company of other sassy ladies without having to buy cleaning towels you won’t ever use.
What is Botox?
Botox is a drug that is administered through a syringe into muscles under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and on furrows of the forehead, the sources of deep wrinkles that leave an aged appearance. The benefits of Botox include relaxing muscles that cause deep wrinkles and achieving smoother, younger-looking skin.
Tips for Throwing a Kick-butt Botox Party
As history shows us, the most important ingredient in a great party is iniviting the funnest human beings. Talk to a handful of your more adventurous gal pals (or gent pals, if that’s their thing) a few weeks before-hand, so they have time to consider if Botox is a treatment they would be interested in trying. A great Botox party can include is few as two participants and generally as many as six, so plan your list accordingly.
Finding a comfortable location
Some doctors will make house calls for a Botox party, if you’d prefer to host in the privacy of your own home. If scrubbing your home to make it an appropriate medical (and party) environment doesn’t appeal to you, you might be able to locate a spa that offers facilities for Botox parties. If you hold your party at a spa, your friends who are needle-shy can participate with other services, such as a massage, facial, or mild chemical peel, and laughter.
Plan a Great Menu
Of course, your friends are coming to your party to be in your engaging presence and to knock 20 years off of their appearance, but their third greatest priority is what you’ll have to eat. While you’re searching Pinterest for delicious finger foods (or perusing take-out menus), take into consideration some non-alcoholic beverage options. I know. WOMP WOMP. It’s important that any participants in your party don’t have alcoholic beverages before or during their procedure. On the plus-side, there are some great mock-tails online these days.
The Devil is in the Details
Some other factors you want to consider before throwing your Botox party include:
- Make sure the doctor you’re using has insurance to make house calls for this purpose.
- Make sure all of the participates are properly educated on the procedure and the doctor collects consent forms from them prior to administering the Botox.
- If you or any of your guests are squeamish about pain, it’s a good idea to make arrangements with your doctor before-hand on the possibility of using pain relief or numbing agents during the procedure.
Have you ever attended or thrown a Botox party? Please share your experience in the comment section below!
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