Having a baby is one of the greatest joys in so many people’s lives, and even beginning the process of trying to conceive is an exciting one. Many people, however, find that it ends up taking longer for them to conceive than what they first thought it would take – but it’s important not to panic right off the bat. After all, a healthy couple falling between the ages of 29 and 33 will have no greater than a 25% chance of conceiving on a monthly basis, and so it can be normal for couples without any fertility issues whatsoever to still take as long as a year of trying to conceive before actually being successful.
Once this year has passed, however, seeking the help of a fertility expert can be a good next step. After all, more than six and a half million women alone in this world have an impaired ability to get pregnant or, if they are able to get pregnant, to successfully carry that baby to term and to the point of giving birth. These women fall between the ages of 15 and 44, on a whole spectrum of at least relatively fertile ages. Many fertility problems can stem from health conditions of a reproductive nature and directly impacting the reproductive system, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis. Even the shape of a woman’s uterus can make it much more difficult to conceive, though this is not the norm.
Of course, age also plays a factor in overall fertility, something that any fertility doctor will be able to tell you. As a woman ages, so too do her eggs and her reproductive system as a whole, making it less and less likely that this reproductive system will be able to first conceive and then carry a pregnancy for as long as is necessary. After all, the average woman will be most fertile between the ages of 20 and 24. Nowadays, most women are still getting an education or are just beginning their careers during this period of life, and are not yet looking to settle down and have children. When they ultimately do decide that they are ready to do so, they might find issues with their reproductive system and overall ability to conceive due to their age.
After all, fertility rates begin to drop earlier on than most people realize, as fertility experts can attest to. The first real drop in fertility occurs shortly after the average woman turns 30, which is still quite young by today’s standards. After this, another significant drop in fertility will occur right around the age of 35. After this point, any pregnancy that occurs will be known as a geriatric pregnancy. For women who are trying to conceive at or above the age of 40, only just under half of them will be able to do so naturally and without any intervention to their reproductive system.
Fortunately, infertility treatments have become more available than ever before and can help a number of different types of problems with the typical reproductive system, often leading to a healthy reproduction experience and a happy family. In fact, at least 85% of all infertility cases are managed through surgical infertility procedures or through a course of infertility drugs and medications. In some cases, both of these tactics will be used to best promote the chances of conception in any given reproductive system. However, these processes will likely only be conducted when other methods of conception have been eliminated.
Before such procedures become necessary, after all, the average fertility doctors are likely to recommend a number of lifestyle changes first, just to see if this will be enough for the couple to successfully conceive without more medical intervention. As much of this medical intervention is likely to be quite expensive indeed, this is ideal to try first. In some cases, simply quitting smoking will improve the chances of conceiving immensely, especially when both halves of the couple are investing in doing so.
Fertility issues can be hard, but many people find conceiving to be possible with medical help here in America.
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