Even someone with a negative covid test needs to be vaccinated. The first two vaccines approved for use in America were made by Pfizer and Moderna. Both require two shots in order to fully vaccinate a person. Another similarity is that they both are 94% to 95% effective.
Both cause very few side effects. Neither will alter DNA. However, there are differences, according to an ABC News video.
Dosing Times
Moderna needs 28 days in between shots while Pfizer needs 21.
Age Recommendations
Pfizer’s vaccine is recommended for people 16 and older. Moderna is only recommended for people 18 and older.
Storage Temperatures
Pfizer needs to be kept in very cold temperatures of -112 to -72 degrees F, or it will quickly spoil. Moderna’s vaccine needs to be cold, but only from -13 to -5 degrees F. Both vaccines need the cold in order to keep the RNA stable. RNA helps teach body cells to combat COVID-19. Moderna vaccine can be safely stored in a refrigerator for 30 days, but Pfizer’s only lasts five days.
Where They Can Be Found
Very few people or businesses own freezers cold enough for the Pfizer vaccine, but hospitals do. All other vaccine sites and vaccine programs for shut-ins need to use the Moderna.
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