Sometimes the best part of your day is being able to lay your head down to sleep and feel the worries of the week seep from your shoulders.
This is almost impossible to do when you have a sleeping disorder. Millions of American adults find themselves struggling to catch a steady eight to nine hours of sleep every night due to this condition, putting them in a poor spot to return to work or school with their health intact. When left unchecked in the long-term? You could expose yourself to the early onset of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and even stroke. Sleep apnea home treatment is designed to fit comfortably into your unique schedule, providing you the relief you so desperately need on a regular basis.
A sleeping disorder is a condition that prevents you from achieving a proper REM cycle on a consistent basis. While the occasional sleepless night is perfectly normal (especially when you have an exam or a presentation stressing you out), it’s not normal to struggle falling asleep multiple times per week. Insomnia causes many adults to lay awake for hours, while sleep apnea interrupts the sleep cycle dozens of times in a night. In fact, severe sleep apnea sufferers can experience as many as 60 apneas in a single hour. Where do sleeping disorders come from and how can they be managed?
Sleeping disorders are varied across the board. The most common contributor is chronic stress and anxiety, with racing thoughts and tense muscles keeping many from sinking into a restful sleep. It’s estimated half of all Americans will lose regualr sleep due to stress. Another lesser-known contributor is chronic jaw pain. It’s estimated around 30% of the population suffers from mild to severe chronic insomnia, with one out of three people experience insomnia symptoms at some point in their life.
The long-term side-effects of a sleeping disorder will creep up on you unexpectedly. People living with insomnia or sleep apnea can already identify the short-term issues of lowered concentration, chronic fatigue, teeth grinding, tense muscles and reduced appetite. The long-term issues, both mental and physical, include depression, cardiovascular disease and an increased risk for stroke. People with sleeping disorders can even put themselves at a higher risk for a car crash, as a lack of sleep can result in unshakable drowsiness that becomes deadly behind the wheel.
Knowing what source is contributing to your sleeping disorder is the first step toward reducing your symptoms and applying restful sleep back into your life. Over 35 million people in the country are diagnosed with TMJ, with 15% of those diagnosed also suffering from headaches or earaches. If this doesn’t describe your symptoms it’s also possible you’re dealing with side-effects of chronic anxiety disorder or unchecked stress. It’s worth nothing that TMD affects twice as many women (especially those of childbearing age) as men and over 90% of those diagnosed with depression also struggle with insomnia.
A new sleep apnea device may be prescribed by your provider or sleep aid professional. Sleep apnea home treatment can come in the form of a CPAP machine, mask or pillow to help reduce your apneas and help you achieve your regular REM cycle. With sleep apnea affecting over 18 million Americans, the benefits of sleep apnea home treatment is becoming more widespread. A sleep disorder center will have you run tests and fill out forms to whittle down your symptoms and provide you the most accurate diagnosis possible. Try to keep track of your restless nights, personal schedule and any health issues you think may be contributing to your condition.
Reach out to a sleep aid center this year, try a sleep apnea home treatment and make sleepless nights a thing of the past.
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