There are a variety of skin conditions a person can develop over the course of their lives, ranging from psoriasis to skin cancer. Many of these disorders may necessitate a trip to one of the many dermatologist clinics located around the country for treatment. However, before you trust a medical professional with the health of your skin, it is natural to have some questions and doubts: for example, should you see a dermatologist specialist, or simply visit a general dermatology practice? How do you find the best dermatologist for your specific skin problem? By following some basic steps, finding the best skin care professional for you can be easier than it seems.
As an example, let’s consider one of the most common skin problems: acne, which affects nearly 85% people at some point during their lifetime. The condition normally develops during adolescence, with more than 40% of teenagers experiencing acne or acne scarring by their mid teens. However, acne can occur at any age, with more than 40 million Americans affected by this problem. Because of this, many people of different ages, lifestyles and genders will turn to a dermatologist for acne treatment at some point in their lives.
The best dermatologists will approach acne, and other skin problems, with the knowledge that every case of a skin condition is different. Acne, for example, can be caused by a number of problems, appears in many different types and forms, and will react positively or negatively to the various types of treatment methods. As a result, a dermatologist may prescribe everything from topical acne treatment products to laser acne treatments, or even a combination of both, to help reduce the appearance of the disorder. They will also likely mandate several regular appointments to monitor progress and make any necessary changes to help reduce the skin condition and help the patient’s overall health.
Dermatologists see a wide array of skin conditions over the course of their careers, from relatively mild cosmetic problems like acne to serious health problems like candida infections, which result from a compromised immune system. Regardless of the disorder in question, the best dermatologists will approach every case as a unique case that requires the best, most professional care possible. Research dermatology practices in your area today to find the best dermatologist for you. More on this.
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