Have you ever experienced job stress? It can happen to the best of us. Maybe for you, you experienced some type of job burnout after completing a long, grueling project for your company. On the other hand, it could have been after an extremely difficult month of work due to the time of the year. Whatever the case was, most of us have experienced some type of workplace stress during our careers. It could be related to the type of job you have, the company you work for, or the place you are in life. It is important to note that most people experience this and you are not alone in your feelings.
Interested in learning more about job stress and some of the professions that experience it more frequently? Keep reading for more information about how to better cope with signs of emotional exhaustion from your job.
How Job Stress Impacts Professionals in the United States
Believe it or not, stress from the workplace affects Americans every single day. In fact, there are more than one million residents living in the United States who miss work each and every day due to the stresses caused by their work environment or their job responsibilities. Even the best, most dedicated and most responsible employee is bound to face some type of stress, burnout, and exhaustion during their career.
You should not simply wait for job stress and job burnout to happen to you, though. Instead, you should start to face the facts and learn how to manage and cope with any stresses you may be feeling in your career. That way, you are better prepared to deal with any type of stress or exhaustion if it occurs to you at some point. You do not want to wait until it is too late and you are too overwhelmed to look for a practical solution to your issues in the workplace.
One way to help prevent workplace burnout or to help cope with it once it arrives is by taking a mental health day at your job. Many people turn to mental health days to help them get back on track. For instance, around 25% of employees say that have made use of a mental health day in the past due to workplace stress. It is not rare for more than 60% of men and women in the workplace to feel stressors increase during the work day. This is why many decide to take a day off work in order to regroup and decompress during stressful times of the year.
By taking this personal time, employees are able to calm down and refocus their priorities so that they do not experience so many stress burnout symptoms moving forward in the year. If you have yet to try taking a personal mental health day at your job, consider this as a good way to combat workplace stress or to cope with any symptoms of being overtired or overstressed in the workplace.
Careers That Result in More Workplace Stress and Burnout
While any career can make employees stressed and exhausted, there are some that are more likely to result in these types of feelings. For example, physicians tend to suffer from job stress and burnout more frequently than other professionals. Some studies show that physicians tend to experience burnout nearly 50% of the time. While it may only be a symptom of two of workplace burnout, it still impacts their stress levels.
Overall, the statistic is not much better. Around 35% of physicians experience burnout, and the younger the physicians the more likely it seems they face this. For those under 35 years old, the rate is 44% for experiencing some type of burnout. One thing physicians should be on the lookout for, especially as a medical student, is high rates of depression. The rate is usually 15% to 30% higher for medical students than for the rest of the general population.
Have you ever experienced any form of job stress or workplace burnout from a lack of work-life balance at your job? How did you cope with it? Let us know about your experiences in the comments.
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