Intermittent catheters have been used for more than 3,500 years to drain the bladder when it fails to empty. This means that it is medical equipment that has been in the industry for a longer period than nearly all current medical technology. However, intermittent catheters are only used when the patient has not been able to empty the bladder through the natural process.
There has been a perception that the only intermittent catheters available are for women. The notion has been promoted by the fact that many people have only seen female catheters, especially expectant mother catheters. However, it’s essential to highlight that there are catheters for men as well, mostly referred to as external male catheters.
Urine empties into a bag that is usually attached at the end of extension tubes. The bag can be emptied when the need arises and can quickly be emptied into the toilet. Intermittent catheterization can be done several times a day to remove all the urine and is highly preferred due to the following benefits.
1. Simple Procedure
A considerable number of people fear the entire process of inserting and removing a catheter. However, it is a straightforward procedure that can be handled by any person. Some people can insert and remove a catheter without the assistance of a nurse. Children above seven years can catheterize themselves without the aid of a nurse. However, for people with physical problems, catheterization can be done by a caregiver.
2. Prevents Urinary Tract Infection
Leaving urine to accumulate in the bladder for long periods of time has been known to be a health hazard. It has previously been known to cause urinary tract infections and can sometimes lead to a distended bladder. However, with a catheter, you can allow the bladder to empty with ease, which means that you will not leave traces of urine to accumulate.
Other people have urinary incontinence, which is a medical situation where the muscles cannot control the urinary system. This means that urine flows out without control. It is an embarrassing situation that can be controlled using extension tubing.
3. Intermittent Catheter is Safe
Long-term catheters have previously been associated with various urinary disorders such as leaking, blockage, bladder spasms, and infections. These complications are not prevalent in intermittent catheters. The catheter will always be removed after emptying the bladder, which improves the life of the concerned individuals.
There are different types of catheters. However, before buying one in a medical supply store, you need to consult your doctor so that he can advise you on the best type and size.
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