Instead of focusing on tips for weight loss, consider taking a look at what might be causing your weight gain in the first place. Many people do not realize that malfunction in their thyroid gland can be the cause of several different medical complications, and weight gain. This gland is located in the front of your neck and is responsible for your body’s metabolism, which is the way that your body turns food into energy. The thyroid affects much of your body’s day to day functioning, including your heart, bones, muscles and cholesterol. A thyroid imbalance can affect the functioning of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, the site where the thyroid-stimulating hormones (tsh) are regulated. Once the tsh level is disturbed, the thyroid either produces less or more hormones than the body needs. This is caused by your immune system attacking the thyroid tissue or gland.
Two common thyroid disorders are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. In the former, excessive thyroid hormones are produced to fight the attack on the gland, speeding up many different processes in your body. This results in rapid weight loss, moodiness, an increased heart rate, and heat intolerance. If left untreated, it can lead to heart and bone problems. In hypothyroidism, the gland succumbs to the attack and does not produce enough of the thyroid hormone. This can cause fatigue, depression, dry skin, decreased tolerance to cold, constipation and an increased appetite. These hypothyroidism symptoms often result in weight gain that is hard to control. Losing weight also becomes difficult and patients often consult a doctor for tips for weight loss to make the process easier.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it would be wise to consult a doctor. In many cases, genetics can play a large role in having a thyroid disease. While a family history of thyroid problems does not guarantee that you will have a thyroid disease, it does increase your chances. The risk of thyroid problems is also six to ten times greater for women than men. Doctors usually prescribe medication that is often meant to be taken for a patient’s entire life. The good news is that most thyroid diseases can be controlled. If you are proactive and seek out medical attention, any imbalance in your thyroid can be treated.
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