Did you know that every year, Americans spend about $50 billion on treatments for back pain? You may be surprised to learn that spinal injuries occur not just because you bent over and picked up something too heavy. The National Institute of Health notes that spinal injuries can be caused by traumatic injuries, such as car accidents, bullets or stab wounds, landing on your head in sports, falling, extreme twisting, and even electric shock.
Spinal injury symptoms vary according to the Mayo Clinic, but can include any of the following.
- Loss of the ability to move.
- Loss of the ability to feel, including touch, and the sensation of temperature.
- Loss of bodily control, including sexual function.
- Experiencing intense stinging sensations and pain.
- Experiencing difficulty in breathing, or clearing secretions in your lungs.
Just as spinal injuries are more complex than they seem, so too is the Chiropractic profession, which was officially found in 1895. Today, it is well established in more than 70 countries, and practitioners most commonly treat back pain, but that is not all. You can go to a Chiropractor to get treatment for back pain, and treatment for low back pain, generally through massaging which can loosen muscles in the back and prevent painful muscle spasms and strain on your spine.
But did you know that back pain can also be linked to neck pain and headaches? Proper Chiropractic care can be a very effective treatment for headaches, even chronic ones. The Director of the Center for Pain Studies at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago has admitted that “legitimate studies…support the use of chiropractic treatment for tension-type headaches.”
It is important to note that back injuries can be very serious, so if any of your symptoms are as follows, a Chiropractor is not the first person you need to see. You should seek emergency attention if you are experiencing extreme pain or pressure around your back, head, or neck, difficulty walking and maintaining balance, or an oddly positioned or twisted back and/or neck. For the less serious symptoms, a Chiropractor may be all that you need. References.
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