If you’ve had any kind of medical treatment in the past, you likely researched your doctor as thoroughly as you could. Maybe you combed through a list of doctors looking at doctors ratings, trying to find the one that would be just right for you. Doing research on a doctor is a wise thing to do, especially for local doctors.
Good medical care has come a long way in recent years due in large part to the number of options available to us all. One of those options has been the development of quality walk-in clinics and urgent care facilities. The development of these types of facilities may not be new ideas entirely, but they have come a long way in being able to provide care for injuries, sickness, and many other conditions. Bloodwork and testing are also services being performed to provide patients with a more personal type of care compared to what the might find in an emergency room. Today, there are approximately 20,000 doctors who practice urgent care medicine and 85% of their urgent care centers are open seven days a week.
After hours urgent care is becoming increasingly prevalent in the realm of medical practice. We all live lives beyond the hours of 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. A first help urgent care facility in city and rural areas alike serve their patients when they need urgent care the most. In 2012, the most common treatment in an urgent care facility was wound repair and the most diagnosed complaint from patients was a respiratory condition. These kinds of problems can’t wait. They are urgent. Hence the name urgent care.
Emergency work is not the only service that makes these practices stand out as vitally important to the communities they serve. The more study that is done regarding healthy living, the more we realize that preventative medicine is extremely important. Doctors ratings might not mean as much when you’re healthy. When things are going well, who needs a doctor? But the longer we live, the more our bodies need attention. We don’t respond to the trauma of everyday life like we once did.
It is estimated that by the year 2030, the Baby Boomer generation will have 60% of its population managing some kind of chronic condition. Occupational health services keep aging workers on their toes, helping them maintain optimum physical health and well-being, and when the do find themselves injured, physical therapy options are available through urgent care networks.
There is a comfort that comes from knowing that if you break your ankle, for example, your care from initial treatment straight on through physical therapy can be done with familiar faces surrounding you. Over 25,000 Americans suffer from a sprained ankle every day Receiving competent treatment from beginning to end is the best way to recover.
So trust doctors ratings when vetting any doctor, but you can rest assured that a more than competent physician is likely just around the corner in you neighborhood urgent care facility.
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