One area of medicine that focuses on preventative care is functional medicine. When you go to a practitioner of functional medicine, the doctor will also focus on finding the root cause to your medical problems. There are various factors to consider, such as environment, diet and exercise. Some patients may also have hormone imbalances or perhaps they have a vitamin deficiency, and so on. A functional medicine doctor looks at the body as a whole so they can provide the best treatments.
For instance, patients who needs back pain treatment can go to a functional medical practitioner who is a chiropractor. Neck pain treatment is another area of specialty that a chiropractor is able to take care of too. You can even get headache treatment, sciatica treatment and more, from a functional medicine practitioner.
If you have diabetes, a functional medicine practitioner will treat the body as a whole, and not just symptoms of high blood sugar. Functional medicine practitioners also practice various forms of fibromyalgia treatment options. Most types of holistic medical practitioners are also functional medicine practitioners. Going outside the standard and traditional medical establishment is something anyone may want to try if they are not finding the help and healing they seek. It is easy to find a functional medicine doctor too. Your current MD may even suggest going to one now. Many doctors are referring patients with back pain to chiropractors today.
The core value that a functional medicine practitioner has is balancing the basic processes of the body. If you immune system needs boosting, various steps to better health are applied. For instance, let’s say you are deficit in vitamin D and your hip hurts. A doctor that specializes in functional medicine will prescribe vitamin D supplements. Perhaps you have other chronic things ongoing in the body. Why not let a functional medical practitioner prescribe the best treatments for you. They will address the root of the problem first, and then health and healing will follow.
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