The vast majority of the time, fibroids aren’t that big of a deal, but there are cases in which the symptoms of fibroid cysts can lower the quality of a person’s life. Often times, women seek out uterine fibroid treatments to deal with such signs and symptoms of fibroids as heavy menstrual bleeding, bladder problems, and even pain during intercourse.
Luckily, there are medicinal fibroid treatments that can help keep these symptoms in check. Here are just a few of the options that are out there.
Contraceptive Pills and Progestational Agents.
Women whose fibroids cause them heavy menstrual periods are typically prescribed contraceptive pills, progestational agents, or other hormonal medications in order to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the bleeding.
GnRH Agonists.
GnRH agonists block estrogen, which stops heavy bleeding and temporarily shrink fibroids. The most popular form of GnRH Agonist is Lupron, which can cause hot flashes and even bone loss if used long term. Because of these symptoms, it’s only recommended for very specific cases, such as if the heavy bleeding has caused anemia, or if the fibroids are excessively large. These medicinal fibroid treatments are typically prescribed before a woman’s surgery, as they can shrink fibroids. However, once a patient stops taking GnRH Agonists, the fibroids regrow in size.
Progestin-Releasing Intrauterine Devices.
Progestin-releasing intrauterine devices are able to relieve heavy bleeding as well, but can only provide temporary symptom relief. Progestin-releasing intrauterine devices do not shrink uterine fibroid cysts, nor do they eliminate or make them disappear.
It should be noted, though, that these medicinal fibroid treatments only manage the symptoms. They do not eliminate the fiborids. In many cases, these medicines aren’t prescribed as a permanent solution, but rather to help shrink the cysts a bit before the patient undergoes uterine fibroid surgery.
But at the end of the day, these medicines do help. If you have any questions about medicinal fibroid treatments, feel free to ask in the comments below.
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