One of the biggest struggles that the elderly face is mobility access. Seniors are met with a variety of medical conditions, many which decrease their mobility. They may be dealing with arthritic conditions, knee or hip replacements, or back strains and chronic pain. They may also find that it is impossible to walk long distances, or even span the length of the house. If you are caring for a loved one with mobility issues, one of the following mobility devices for seniors could help them regain their freedom and ability to move.
Some seniors only require minimal walking assistance for long distances. Some only require a little extra support when mobile. Canes for elderly are probably one of the most affordable types of mobility devices and there are all different types and sizes available for all needs. Approximately 16.4% of people using walking aids prefer canes, 11.6% of the elderlies use walkers, just over 6% take assistance of wheelchairs, and about 2.3% use scooters. The easy accessibility and budget friendly cost of the cane makes it the most popular mobility choice among seniors.
Medical walkers
Medical walkers offer a little more support than walking canes do. They can also be used to assist with getting in and out of low sitting chairs. Some of the best walkers for seniors have wheels on the front of the medical walker for easier pushing. The back posts are solid, making it easy to stop and rest. Medical walkers may be used for those who need a little more than a cane, but do not yet need mobile chairs for the elderly. They are also commonly used for rehabilitation purposes.
Mobile chairs for the elderly
Mobile chairs for the elderly provide seniors with a whole new level of mobility. They can operate their mobile chairs to transport them wherever they desire. They do not have limits on how far they can go, making them a great option for large walking areas, such as shopping malls or auditoriums. As the number of elderly people continues to rise, the demand for walking aids is expected to increase two fold by 2050. Furthermore, mobile chairs for the elderly will also become more used as a regular means of mobility.
There are many different types of mobility scooters available for seniors. The best one will depend entirely on the individual?s needs. Some mobile chairs are larger and contain amenities, such as baskets and raising and lowering devices. More simple of mobility scooters may need to be charged more often and do not provide assistance or height levelers. In most cases, the house or living arrangements have to be redesigned if the mobility scooter will be used in the house. However, many seniors may only use their mobility scooter when away from home, and use a medical walker or cane, when inside the house.
Physical therapy
Although mobile chairs for the elderly and other medical walking assistive devices can help seniors regain their mobility, they should not be used simply because walking is not preferred. Seniors who rely too much on mobile chairs and walking devices can actually worsen their medical conditions, and lose the ability to be mobile completely. Physical therapy should be used regularly to work on the muscles required for mobility. Things like cotton rolls and muscle massages should also be implemented into the physical therapy. Seniors should also attempt to use the minimal amount of assistance possible.
More than a quarter of all Americans and two out of every three older Americans have multiple chronic conditions, and treatment for this population accounts for 66% of the countries? health care budget. Chronic medical conditions are a common cause of loss of mobility for seniors. Fortunately, there are multiple mobility devices available for seniors. Those who need minimal assistance can use a walking cane, those who need a little more can use a medical walker, and those who need the highest level of assistance may use a mobility scooter. It is also important to continue with physical therapy and to prevent the loss of these important walking muscles.
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