Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects approximately 8.1 million people. If you know someone trying to recover from alcoholism, you may be wondering what to expect throughout the withdrawal process. This is never an easy time, but providing a good support system for the person trying to recover can make a huge difference in whether or not they are successful. In fact, only around 5% of people who go through the process alone make it through! Read up below, so that you are prepared.
The First Hours
Within the first hours of withdrawal, some mild symptoms will likely start to occur. These may include physical issues like sweating, nausea, shaking hands, headaches, and/or vomiting, or mental issues like insomnia and/or anxiety. One could experience one or multiple symptoms, and they may vary from person to person.
As the day or night continues, symptoms will likely get worse. It’s not uncommon to experience hallucinations. Some alcoholics report seeing or hearing things that are not there, but it is rare that these are very severe or vivid. If one does experience severe hallucinations they will likely occur within a few days after the last drink has occurred and may accompany symptoms like confusion, a racing heart rate, fever, heavy sweating, and high blood pressure.
Treatment and the Detox Process
Most symptoms should get better within a week and can be overtaken with the help of a supportive environment. Yet, there are cases when the addiction is so strong that the individual may need to check into a rehab detox center. In these cases, they will be monitored and kept with professionals, like detox doctors, who can help them through the rougher periods.
Within the first few days and weeks, it’s easy to give up and, unfortunately, many do. If your loved one continues to give in, this is another case where staying at a rehab detox center may be beneficial. All in all, it’s important to be supportive no matter the rate at which your friend or family member recovers. Some detox quickly, while others take longer. All that matters in the end, is that the person makes it through and stays alcohol-free in the future. If you’re unsure which steps to take, ask your family doctor for advice, and they can assist you further.
When it comes to deadly diseases in the United States, alcohol addiction ranks third. If you or someone you know is suffering with alcohol, the best time to take action against the problem is now. Seek help or look into rehab detox centers today.
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