We live in a society that can be described as being almost obsessed with looking younger. In 2012 the American anti-aging industry was valued at $80 billion. By 2015, it had grown to $114 billion. Our skin is under almost constant attack from UV rays from the sun and everyday air pollution from traffic and other sources. Even on cloudy days, UV rays from the sun reach the earth, making it necessary to wear sunscreen every day. Ai pollution can increase age spots by 20%. If you are looking to develop your own private label skincare for doctors, you should focus your energies on these problems.
Developing and marketing your own private label skincare for doctors is a lot easier than you may think. IF you do the right work before you start, you can make the process easier and quicker than you ever imagined.
1. Decide what products you want to develop.
You should come up with at least three different products that you want to include in your private label skincare for doctors line. You should start with three products because you are going to have to work with a manufacturer and when you get to five products or more, it can become harder to find a company to manufacture your products.
There are a lot of entrepreneurs who assume they have to begin their private label skincare for doctors lines with at least ten, 15 or 20 products. They think starting with only three products does not show enough potential in their skincare line. Most private label skin care manufacturers prefer to start with fewer rather than more products. You need to think about this in terms of quality rather than quantity. If you have no prior experience in product development, you will find creating that many new products is just going to doom your venture for failure. Unless you have some major funding for your project, you should start out with three new products.
When you start with a small list of products, you can specialize and really focus your marketing on those three products.
2. Draft a timeline that is realistic.
The current conventional wisdom for new product development that is taught in classes and praised in books on this subject is that new product development has to be completed within four weeks. When you have been researching supplemental income for doctors, you may have been told that or read it. Forget about all of that. When you are developing products for your first private label skincare for doctors, you should expect to take a lot longer. This is especially true for products being developed by new business owners. The first product you create will inevitably take the longest amount of time.
This is because in addition to developing the products themselves, you have to do a lot of work to create your brand. This includes naming your product line, working with a graphic designer to create a logo, getting all of your printed materials about your brand done, creating any secondary packaging inserts and special boxes and working with a marketing and public relations firm to create your messaging materials for your brand. All of this is important to set up before you go public with new products.
3. Really work through your marketing strategy.
If you are a practicing physician with a thriving practice, you may think that you know a thing or two about spreading the word about your business. The truth of the matter is that you should get a second opinion on your marketing plan for your skin products. You have a customer base already in your patients so when you have your marketing materials made up, having literature to put in your office should be the first thing that you have printed.
- Create an Amazon seller account and put your profile together.
- Set up a Facebook page for your product.
- If you do not have a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account for your practice, sign up for all of them.
Starting your own private label skincare line is not rocket science but you need marketing help from experts in that area.
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